I wrote all the laws in absolutes and even use an extreme "always" or "never" at the beginning of each one so that you can memorize and learn them as absolutes and follow these laws, understanding that this has to be the way that you think about all things in all scenarios so that you know exactly what you are doing right or wrong or in violation of the laws. These laws are universal, so just because they have never been written before and you might have heard of them, which you probably haven’t, doesn’t mean they aren’t being followed instinctually by those who are already experiencing good mental health and happiness. These laws are automatically being followed by those who are having success in their mental and emotional well-being. The following below are the 12 Laws of Healing and Happiness: 1. Always Detach from what is Toxic 2. Never Think or Act in Fear; Always Think and Act In love 3. Never Become Consumed with Other People's Thoughts and Feelings 4. Always Focus on and work toward the most Beneficial Possibility 5. Always Focus on your Gifts and Blessings 6. Always See the Universe for Exactly What it is, based on Evidence 7. Never be Concerned with Past Blame; be Concerned with Future Responsibility 8. Always Focus on what you can do 9. Everything you do must Align with your Purpose 10. Never View or Treat any Human as Worthless, especially Yourself 11. Always Pause and Meditate Before Speaking and Acting 12. Always think and do what is Beneficial to the Self and Others
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