Toxic People Survival is composed of 35 steps. The following steps are: 1. Blaming 2. Bullying 3. Codependency 4. Control 5. Criticism 6. Disregard for Others Feelings 7. Disrespect 8. Dishonesty 9. Disregards Boundaries 10. Enmeshment 11. Exclusion 12. Favoritism 13. Gaslight 15. Guilt Tripping 16. Ignoring Reality 17. Insensitivity 18. Inconsistency 19. Invalidation 20. Isolation 21. Lack of Accountability 22. Lack of Boundaries 23. Lack of Empathy 24. Manipulation 25. Moving the Goal Post 26. Neglect 27. Ostracism 29. Playing the Victim 30. Projecting Flaws and Intentions 31. Sabotage 32. Sewing Conflict 33. Smear Campaign 34. Stonewalling 35. Triangulation 36. With Holding
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